Background information
Name to incorporate in the logo
RPM Detail Services
Slogan to incorporate in the logo
Renew Protect Maintain
Description of the organization and its target audience
Mobile high end automotive detailing
Visual style
Colors to explore

Other color requirements
Style Attributes
Design inspiration
Other notes
Business Name: RPM Detail Services - I would prefer that RPM be the main text. I would also like the word “mobile” somewhere in the logo to indicate that our services are mobile.
Slogan: I don’t have a slogan — but RPM stands for Renew Protect Maintain but I don’t necessarily want it to be in my logo - if you can incorporate it inconspicuously that might be cool though!
Industry: Cleaning and Maintenance Services
About your business: Complete mobile detail services for automobiles including interior and exterior washes, waxes, long-term tire shine, coatings, headlight restorations, stain extractions and more.
=== Logo Questions ===
Specific elements you wish to see in your logo:
RPMthe word “Detail” or “Detail Services”the word “Mobile” incorporation of a tachometer, maybe with the needle/pin flowing off of a letter into the tachometer . Or possibly a silhouette of an Acura NSX (1st generation/original body style examples attached below for reference).These are Just ideas.. you the designer can go a completly diffrent direction, if you have better ideas. I am open to any colors/color schemes. My van where this logo is going to be put is white, so that’s probably important to know.
Logo Sample: I am providing a few examples of logos I have seen and liked — these are only for inspiration and ideas but not intended to be copied or slightly modified. I really do want something original and creative, not just a variation of someone else’s brand.
Contest deliverables
1 x Logo
Final files
If you use fonts that require a license, confirm with the client they're ok with it. For licensing reasons, it is better to provide your client with information on how to acquire the font rather than providing the actual files.
Text in logos should be converted to outlines.