Background information
Name to incorporate in the logo
Salzmische Elektrolyte
Slogan to incorporate in the logo
Description of the organization and its target audience
We have some nice mountain themed designs.
If you want to have another solid change at winning this contest, you could try the following themes with less competition:
(Salt) crystals.
Or some chemistry theme. Periodic table theme? Or mineral compounds?
We decided against a mascot. And we didn´t like big additional symbols to our logo as well. We want you to stick fairly close to the original logo now.
We have a finished logo already which you can see below. We tried to get a trademark for it and it was too generic for that. Your task is to change up the logo just enough to get it through the trademark process.
I hope someone of you can find an elegant solution.
Some ideas:
Mountains, salt crystals, taking the yellow bar and making something fancy graphically with it.
Designing the letters to make them its own graphic. That should do the trick for the trademark.
"Salzmische" means "Salt mix" in German and our product is electrolytes.
We have this craft paper style bag for the product since we like the clean, eco-friendly style. With that said we don´t want to go too much into the hippie/flower design that you see a lot when it comes to alternative medicine packaging.
Themes that we like: We like being strong, outdoors. Our clients lift weight. The electrolytes intend to boost energy. Rehydration from sweating is a theme. Our clients eat meat and like steaks and are from the low carb, keto community for the most part.
Physical Fitness
Visual style
Colors to explore

Other color requirements
Style Attributes
Design inspiration
Other notes
The logo´s previous font was "Norwester" for "Salzmische" and "Montserrat Classic" for "Elektrolyte".
The yellow color is "#FFD983".
Feel free to stick to the theme since we were happy with the design we had or surprise us with sth completely different.
We are happy to be surprised too and we hope you have some fun in this design contest.
Contest deliverables
1 x Logo
Final files
If you use fonts that require a license, confirm with the client they're ok with it. For licensing reasons, it is better to provide your client with information on how to acquire the font rather than providing the actual files.
Text in logos should be converted to outlines.
Too silly but the design is kinda our style.
We don´t like mascots.