Title and author
Shopify Playbook: Techniques For Quick Wins & Breakthrough Results
Jason G. Miles
Photo of the author
Author biography
Jason Miles co-founded OmniRocket, where he leads their Shopify performance team. He's taught over 50,000 Shopify site owners since 2016 on Udemy. His Shopify work began in June 2013, when he co-founded http://www.pixiefaire.com with his wife. The site has become a top 1% Shopify site based on traffic levels and has served over 3 million orders. In 2015, Shopify featured his work in a case study titled "How One Couple Is Making $600,000 per year selling digital goods".
He's partnered with prestigious online groups and sites such as the American Marketing Association, IBM, and Social Media Examiner. His work has been featured in Forbes, The Huffington Post, and Wharton Magazine, among other industry publications. Much of his work centers on traffic and conversion strategies for Shopify store owners.
Book description
Shopify strategies and techniques for small business owners.
Target audience
people who are building or managing a Shopify website.
Physical book details
Book cover type
Front cover
- Title
- Author’s name
- Subtitle
- Tagline
Front cover details
Above the title it could say, "A National Bestseller"
Back cover
- Author biography
- Blurb
Back cover details
“Will Jason take you on a journey to the E-commerce promised land? Yes, but bring some workboots, an open mind, and be ready to grind.”
- Miro Posavec
President, Bestmade Natural Products
In 2016 Jason's first Udemy course was launched and to-date he's served over 50,000 students through his various Shopify related courses, services, groups, and one-on-one consulting.
Today he works directly with private clients helping them implement break-through strategies to grow their Shopify results.
- Title
- Author’s name
Spine details
Book publisher
Kindle Direct Publishing
Visual style
Creative vision
Style attributes
Design needs
I have a mock-up that I made it Canva that is a poorly designed version of what I want. I'll attach it as a file. I'll also attach the original covers that I tried to copy - since I like them a lot. But I'm also open to any other creative designs that look bold and engaging.
What to avoid
Stock images
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Stock images are licensed photos and vector files. Please tell the client before you submit designs using stock images
Contest deliverables
1 x Physical book cover
Final files
If you use fonts that require a license, confirm with the client they're ok with it. For licensing reasons, it is better to provide your client with information on how to acquire the font rather than providing the actual files.